So the last week of rehearsals has arrived and what a week it’s been…. Saturday a lot of us attended a picnic for little jasper ‘boy of joy!’ Mcwilliams to celebrate his 2nd birthday! Now I know that’s not Spamalot related but to a lot of us, myself included SMP is more than singing and dancing it’s a family and more often than not our social calender is busier than our rehearsal schedule.
So on with rehearsals on Sunday we had a full dress run and we realised just how fast some of our changes are! It’s a bit of organised chaos going on behind the well oiled seamless performance you will see from the audience.
Monday and Wednesday we also ran the whole show and it’s getting better and better each time. You guys are really in for a treat!
On Wednesday we had a sneaky preview of the black night costume and that scene is one of the funniest things in the show.
The songs are all sounding beautiful and the dancing is getting bigger by the second. We can’t wait to get this into the theatre on sunday and in front of an audience Wednesday!
You can book your tickets here: